full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kim Preshoff: What's a smartphone made of?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And yet, cacruil as they are, extracting these elements from the earth is linked to some disturbing environmental icatmps. Rare earth eltnemes can often be found, but in many areas, it’s not enclilcaomoy feasible to extract them due to low concentrations. Much of the time, extracting them requires a method called open pit mninig that exposes vast areas of land. This form of mining dystores huge swaths of natural habitats, and causes air and water pollution, threatening the health of nearby communities.

Open Cloze

And yet, _______ as they are, extracting these elements from the earth is linked to some disturbing environmental _______. Rare earth ________ can often be found, but in many areas, it’s not ____________ feasible to extract them due to low concentrations. Much of the time, extracting them requires a method called open pit ______ that exposes vast areas of land. This form of mining ________ huge swaths of natural habitats, and causes air and water pollution, threatening the health of nearby communities.


  1. destroys
  2. economically
  3. elements
  4. impacts
  5. crucial
  6. mining

Original Text

And yet, crucial as they are, extracting these elements from the earth is linked to some disturbing environmental impacts. Rare earth elements can often be found, but in many areas, it’s not economically feasible to extract them due to low concentrations. Much of the time, extracting them requires a method called open pit mining that exposes vast areas of land. This form of mining destroys huge swaths of natural habitats, and causes air and water pollution, threatening the health of nearby communities.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
rare earth 3
earth elements 2
working conditions 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
rare earth elements 2

Important Words

  1. air
  2. areas
  3. called
  4. communities
  5. concentrations
  6. crucial
  7. destroys
  8. disturbing
  9. due
  10. earth
  11. economically
  12. elements
  13. environmental
  14. exposes
  15. extract
  16. extracting
  17. feasible
  18. form
  19. habitats
  20. health
  21. huge
  22. impacts
  23. land
  24. linked
  25. method
  26. mining
  27. natural
  28. nearby
  29. open
  30. pit
  31. pollution
  32. rare
  33. requires
  34. swaths
  35. threatening
  36. time
  37. vast
  38. water